Quantum Soul Portal

A place to connect with like-minded souls for connection, healing, and soul expansion.

Embark on a transformative journey with me as your guide! Join the Quantum Soul Members Portal and unlock the secrets of your inner universe. As a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner, I'm here to help you explore the depths of your soul and discover the profound wisdom within. Your membership awaits – dive into the extraordinary and embrace the power of your quantum soul today.

Welcome to the Portal

The Quantum Soul Members Portal is a unique monthly membership program that provides you will deep layers of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing through monthly guided meditations, group hypnosis sessions and my powerful new Starship Healing sessions where we work with New Earth Frequencies in every session.


Connect with your Guides and Angels in one of our new channeling sessions you can only find in the portal. If you love the Messages from Your Guides and Angels sessions with Amelie, then you don't want to miss the new channeling sessions coming in January. We are adding a Quantum Questions session where you will have the opportunity to connect with your Guides and Angels to ask a question and listen to the information shared with the group.

We are also adding a New Earth Mastery session each month where we will connect with the guides who will be channeled through Amelie to learn New Earth teachings and concepts.  These sessions will be blended with healing meditations and activations to help you clear old patterns and beliefs and step more into a 5th dimensional way of being.


You will have the opportunity every month to attend multiple live sessions and group events over Zoom. For those unable to attend the live sessions, all group events are recorded and posted in the portal for later viewing. Because we are working in the Quantum for each session, you can connect with the energies and frequencies of each session at any time you choose to listen.

Each month I create a new guided quantum meditation for the group to work with that is channeled through my guides and the Akashic records. Each meditation is designed to help you heal your physical and energetic bodies, learn more about who you are from a higher perspective, connect with your spirit guides and higher self, and unlock deep layers of inner healing so you can move forward in your life with ease.

Every 4th month you will have the opportunity to participate in a group quantum healing hypnosis session where you will be guided into a past, future, parallel, galactic or other lifetime that you need to see. You will journey to the places your soul most wishes you to experience. These sessions are so much fun and you will learn so much about yourself.

You will also have access to two powerful live Starship Healing sessions every month where you will work with the energies and frequencies of New Earth and experience the healing technologies of a Galactic Starship. These sessions are unlike anything you've ever experienced.

The Starship Healing sessions will allow you to connect with and anchor the higher frequencies of the 5th Dimension into your present now moment. We are creating a portal between worlds each time we connect in this way which allows you to begin to create your New Earth Experience now.

As we work with the healing frequencies and technologies of the Starship, you will not only receive physical and emotional healing, but you will experience an expansion of your consciousness and a shift in your own energy and frequency with each session you participate in.

You will have access to a growing library of recorded meditations, hypnosis sessions, Starship Healing sessions, and live group events for the duration of your membership.

Connect with a family of soul members and find your tribe. This is a safe space where you can be yourself and receive support from loving community members.

Your Quantum Soul Portal Membership includes:

  • Monthly Quantum Questions session - Q&A with the Galactic Guides and Angels.
  • New Earth Mastery sessions - Learn New Earth and Higher Dimensional teachings and concepts with the guides.
  • TWO powerful live Starship Healing group sessions every month.
  • Monthly live group events, meditations, and gatherings on Zoom.
  • A new guided quantum healing meditation to work with every month.
  • A Group Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session every 4th month.
  • A growing library of channeled guided quantum meditations to work with anytime.
  • Access to all past recorded live group sessions, events, and gatherings.
  • Weekly content, videos, and channeled messages.
  • Bi-monthly group Challenges to keep you motivated and on track.
  • Find your tribe and connect with a thriving community of like-minded, supportive souls.
  • So much more!


What's included in your monthly Quantum Soul membership

Channeling Sessions with Amelie & the Guides

If you've enjoyed listening to the Messages from your Guides and Angels sessions channeled by Amelie, then you will enjoy these two new and exciting sessions coming to the portal in 2024.

Listen to a Messages session on my YouTube Channel

Quantum Questions is a Q&A style session where you will have the opportunity to connect with and interact with your guides and angels by asking questions and allowing your guides to share their perspectives. These sessions are so powerful as the information that is shared can be so helpful for all who listen. This group-style Q&A session will give you the opportunity to learn more about your team of light and get the guidance you need.

We are also adding a New Earth Mastery session each month where Amelie will channel the guides and angels who will share New Earth and Higher Dimensional teachings with the group.  You will have the opportunity to connect with the guides and ask questions during these sessions. We will finish each session with a meditation or activations designed to help you elevate your consciousness and let go of old patterns and beliefs.

Two full Starship Healing sessions every month!

Are you looking for a powerful way to help you with deep inner healing and emotional release? I'm now offering an exciting new way to work with your physical and energetic bodies to help you clear and release trapped energies, emotions, and traumas from the body.

Each session offers you the ability to connect with 5th-dimensional New Earth frequencies so you can begin to integrate them into your now. These frequencies act as a gateway to connect you to the higher realms so you can begin to create your New Earth experience.

You will have access to two full group Starship Healing sessions each month. If you are unable to attend live, you can watch the recording and connect with the powerful energies that come through in each session. You do not have to be there live to receive the healing energies and activations.

We work with Quantum Realm Frequencies and higher vibrational energies that you will integrate to help you with physical and emotional healing. I work with my partner Sarah during these sessions to connect you to a field of infinite possibilities for healing and expansion.

During these group sessions, we will work with your light body and the frequencies of the starship where you will experience the various healing modalities available to you.

You may experience the high vibrational energies of the crystal healing bed, work with high-frequency star beings who will help you to locate and remove dense energies from the body, or wade through the healing waters of Sirius as your cells are infused with light and energy to heal, expand and activate more of your light within.

Your experience may be more simplistic as we simply connect with you energetically and work with the healing power of nature and Mother Gaia. Each session will be a unique experience.

Sarah will channel information from the guides to share with the group to help you understand what you need to work on, let go of, and release in order to bring forward complete healing. These sessions act as a bridge between this reality and New Earth.

Daytime and evening sessions are available.

New guided quantum meditations every month

Each month you will have access to a new recorded guided meditation or energy healing session based on the topic of the month. We will focus on different topics for healing, clearing and releasing traumas and trapped energies, and tapping into your creative energy to help you on your healing journey or assist you with creating your best life.

Many of the meditations use the same techniques that are used in hypnosis sessions to get you into a deeply relaxed state so you can easily connect with your higher guidance to bring through the information you need to help you on your journey through this life.

Each meditation is approximately an hour long and set to beautiful meditation music.

Monthly live group events over Zoom

Each month you will have an opportunity to attend a live group call where we will start off with the guided meditation that was created for that month. When we come together as a group, the energy is amplified and we are connected with all of our teams of light who assist us during the session. 

After we complete the meditation, we will spend the rest of the time connecting with each other to discuss your experience during the meditation or feel free to share anything related to that month's topic or anything else you want to chat about. 

This is a great time for members to meet and get familiar with each other so you can connect with those you feel drawn to connecting with.

If you are unable to attend the live group calls, you can access the recording later so you can participate in the meditation and catch up on any topics that were discussed.

* Live Group Meditation Events are typically held around the first or second Sunday afternoon of each month at 11 am CST. 

** Every 4th month is reserved for a full group Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. This includes past life regression, quantum travel and Starship Healing. 

Find your tribe and connect

There is nothing more wonderful than connecting with others who are on a similar journey of healing and expansion. The Quantum Soul Members Portal is the perfect place to meet others who understand what you are going through on your journey to remember who you truly are.

The chat group will be a safe space for you to share, connect, and find the support you need. This group is a positive place where we lift each other up and help each other grow, learn and heal.

Access to all recorded sessions and live group events to watch at your convenience

You will have access to all past guided quantum healing meditation sessions and all recorded live group events so you can catch up at your convenience. Through intention, you can connect in with the healing energies and frequencies of all group sessions and meditations so you can work with them at home.

Special content created just for Quantum Soul Members

Each week I create and share special content with the group that you won't find anywhere else.  I share powerful messages that come in from the guides and channeled messages that come in through hypnosis sessions.

I create content to empower you and to help you understand this amazing experience of expansion we are all moving through. I share tools and resources you can use to help you live your best life and understand this energetic world we are living in.

Our amazing members also share special content, ideas, stories, and more in the member's area.

Hi!  I'm Heather.

As a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner and an energy healer, I teach clients how clear and protect their energy, release trauma and blockages, connect with their higher self and spirit guides, and learn more about who they truly are and who they came to be in this life.

As we shift into higher states of consciousness, there has never been a more important time to work on inner healing and release dense, low-frequency energies that may be weighing you down and holding you back.

Each month I will help you to release those energies through powerful guided healing meditations designed to help you raise your vibration, connect with your higher guidance, and to begin to create the life you desire most.

I use the same hypnosis techniques that I use in my one-on-one Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions to create each monthly guided meditation. All meditations are channeled through the Akashi Records and contain activations to help awaken your DNA and connect you to your multi-dimensionality.

You will have the ability to participate in live group sessions each month as we come together to do the meditations, hypnosis sessions, and Starship Healing sessions over Zoom, or feel free to listen to the recorded versions from the comfort of your home at any time your schedule allows.

Want to see some of my work?

Check out my YouTube channel for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Sessions, Messages from your Guides sessions, and my NEW Starship Healing sessions.


See what our amazing members are saying....

I had such an uplifting feeling yesterday after the meditation. I immediately went outside to the garden, admired nature, listened to the wind and the birds. I wanted to add to also appreciate the sky along with Mother Earth. The sky is remarkable in all that it brings. Colors, dreams, visions, lightening, stars…planets..other realms and beings. It is so fun listening to everyone’s thoughts and experiences, and seeing all the bright faces. And Heather—your leadership and guidance is so spot on. Thank you for your soothing voice and taking us to magical places! 💖💚

 Today’s hypnosis session was absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much. I got several messages on the questions, and actually went to lifetimes. I felt one of them was concurrent with this one. Not in a body though. this was so healing, Heather, I just want to show my gratitude to you. Don’t know how you come up with these, but they are excellent.

Omg! Love love love! This was an amazing meditation and experience. So much energy! Cleansing and healing!

I felt so calm and relaxed we decided to go outside and ground for over an hour. I slept through the night last night, which is a big deal. I have not had a solid night’s sleep in months. Thank you so much Heather for your amazing intuition on what meditations we need😘You hit this one out of the park sweet soul. Namaste🥰😇💫✨

Thank you again Heather 🙏🏼💗 I just did the meditation again and even more powerful and activating. The energy feels amazing 💗💗💗

Heather, I am still in awe of the energy and connections we all experienced. It was like a cosmic family reunion. Our real families reunited to give us a peak at what magic awaits us. I felt such a strong connection to everyone in our group, and definitely from a new perspective. There is no turning back and we are going to have the adventure of many lifetimes. It sounds almost trite to say thank you Heather. This group is indeed sacred as are our hearts. Much love to you Heather and all my soul family here🥰😇💫✨


If you don't love it, you can easily cancel your membership at any time!


Who is the membership for?

A Quantum Soul Membership is perfect for the person who is looking for extra guidance and support on their journey of healing. Through monthly guided healing meditations, group hypnosis sessions, and New Earth Frequency Starship Healing sessions, you will have access to all the tools you need to help you clear and balance your energy and assist you with moving forward on your path.

It's also a place where you can connect with others who are on the same path of healing and ascension. It's a safe place to share your experiences with other like-minded souls.

How does the membership work?

This is a subscription service that will automatically renew each month.

As a monthly member, you will have access to a new guided meditation or group hypnosis session each month to help you to release density and clear your energy, connect with your spirit team, or to help you focus your energy on creating the life you most want to live.

You can attend the live monthly group calls where we come together over Zoom and do the meditations together as a group, or you can listen to the recorded version on your own schedule.

You will also have access to all past recorded meditations and live group calls to listen to at your convenience.

I will be sharing exclusive member content to help you on your healing journey and to assist you to shift into a higher frequency and vibration.

What if the membership is not for me?

You can cancel your membership at any time. You will have access to the membership content and services only while paying for the membership. Once you cancel, you can continue to enjoy the site and its content until your membership ends.  

Refunds are not available.


If you have any questions about the membership or about scheduling a one-on-one Quantum Healing Hypnosis session, you can email me at [email protected].